

TitleFX 2.0 [iPhone] [iPad] – フォント、テキストの透明度調整機能を追加、写真にさまざまな欧文デザインフォントをレイアウトできる

写真に欧文フォントをレイアウトできる iPhone / iPad アプリケーション What's New We've added a transparency control, which is great for creating creative text layouts but also for watermarking. There's a crop editor, so you can crop square for Instagram or just crop t...

TitleFX 1.1.0 [iPhone] [iPad] – 簡単な操作で欧文デザインフォントを写真にレイアウトしておしゃれに加工できる

TitleFx allows you to add high quality titles to your photos. You can turn a simple picture into a magazine cover and then share it with your friends. Pick from a collection of beautiful fonts and colors and apply stunning effects. The effe...