Reeder 2


Reeder 2 2.1 [iPhone] [iPad] – テーマ、Safari リーディングリストをサポート、Feedly などと同期する人気の RSS リーダー

Feedbin, Feedly, Feed Wrangler, Fever と同期する RSS リーダー iPhone / iPad アプリケーションWhat's New Themes (can be changed in the article viewer → “aA” button) iPhone: Landscape support for images and videos Article list: group by feeds or by date Add to...

Reeder 2 2.0.1 [iPhone] [iPad] – ジェスチャ操作を強化、iOS プラットフォームで人気の RSS リーダーの新バージョン

Reeder is a RSS reader and client for Feedbin, Feedly, Feed Wrangler, Fever, and Readability. Feedbin syncing Feedly syncing Feed Wrangler syncing Fever syncing Readability syncing Local/standalone RSS (no sync) Support for multiple account...