

Day One 1.5.5 [Mac] – iCloud / Dropbox 同期に対応、記録しておきたいことをすばやく入力できる日記アプリケーション

The easiest to use journal / diary / text logging application for the Mac is also the best looking. Day One is designed and focused to encourage you to write more. Using the Menu Bar quick entry, Reminder system, Calendar view and inspirati...

Day One (Journal/Diary) 1.5.7 [iPhone] [iPad] – 記録しておきたいことをすばやく入力できる日記アプリケーション

Day One is a micro-journal / diary / text logging application that makes it easy to quickly enter your thoughts and memories and have them sync and available in the cloud.iCloud or Dropbox sync to your iPhone / iPad devices and the beautifu...